Generic Finder
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Browsing files ⬅ back

Browsing files actually work like "file managers".
Open Folders on left or right side. Watching details, click on a file to view.
If you click on a text file, text viewer will appear.
If you click on a xml file, xml viewer will appear .
Image ... image viewer.
Unknown file format...hex viewer appears.

Start Folder

Within Configuration Dialog you have the option to setup a start folder.
Next time starting Generic Finder the program jumps directly to your start folder selection.

Root Folder

Context menu "Make Root Path" give you the option to filter all folders higher as the actually folder.
With a click on the [/] Button (bottom right) you cancel the root path selections - behaviour becomes normal.

Folder Filter

Top Level Folder Filter helps you to see only what you want.
If you use gf to search text files within you some folder it's not really need to see
/root /boot or C:\Programs .... etc. Enum your folders which should not appear in config .

Cycling Previews

With pressing [Ctrl]+[Shift] you can cycle previews.(Keys can be changed => config )
Example. You are watching an xml file within xml viewer. Now you want to see the file 'normal' as text file.
You might think 'Something strange with this file' and you cycle again and activate hex viewer.
Now you watching some special bytes carefully. After all you cycle once more and come back to xml viewer.
Note: Cycling files does not always make sense.

Full Preview

A double click opens a separate Window with some Tab Panels. Each Tab represents a view and give you more options.
Take a look at previews .

Freeware - Copyright Ⓒ 2012-2024 - Olaf Kliche and Tanja Kliche